Learn All the Different Ways You Can Live Life to the Fullest and Make Them Work For You.
Mindfulness. What a trendy word. It’s on every podcast you're listening to and in the title of every book sitting in a bookstore window.
All this aside, there’s a reason why mindfulness is such a big topic right now. In some ways, mindfulness is our response to what’s happening all around us.
You just got the memo that your boss wants you to work late every day this week. Meanwhile, HR have already sent you about seven emails - all talking about the importance of mental health and well-being.
Maybe you’re juggling a job, plus a second job or a side hustle, kiddos, meal prep, laundry. The list feels long without even thinking about adding some ‘me time’ to the bottom of it.
Sound familiar?
Mindfulness is almost like the world’s way of correcting things. It's our way of fixing the overwhelming, hustle and bustle of everyday life. To get us to focus on something other than our gigantic ‘to do’ list.
If you can’t remember the last time you spent some quality time with yourself, then this list is for you. Pick one, or three, or all seven and get to it. Mindfulness, here we come, you got this!
Develop an Award Winning Morning Routine
Nope, I don’t mean the routine where you jump out of bed twenty minutes before you need to leave, grab your coffee, and you’re off. Then munch on a muesli bar on your way to work. That’s not the one.
We're all slightly partial to this plan. But have you stopped to consider whether this pattern sparks joy in your life? If it doesn’t, maybe it’s time to Marie Kondo this habit and spring clean it out of your life for good.
A new morning routine could look like you getting up fifteen minutes earlier. Drinking your coffee at home while enjoying the stillness of the morning. Then setting your intentions for the day.
Maybe it means doing this while sitting in the car after school drop-off if you have kids.
Some other things you can try are:
Making avocado toast or eggs for breakfast or something equally yummy
Playing with your cat or dog for a couple of minutes
Doing a ten-minute stretch on your yoga mat
The only rule is choosing things that make you happy and content, and then turning them into a daily habit.
If you’re someone who will not compromise on waking up fifteen minutes earlier, that's okay! Maybe this becomes an afternoon routine or even a bedtime routine. Brainstorm what brings you joy and make it work for you!
Be Fully Present
This seems like an obvious one and it is. But just because it’s obvious, doesn’t mean it’s that simple to do.
Have you ever walked into a restaurant, sat down and then glanced around the room to do some people watching? And the first thing you noticed were two people seated at the table next to you eating. With their eyes glued to their phones.
No shade if this is how you like to do date night, we all have our quirks.
Buuuut, maybe there’s another way to do this with just a little more mindfulness.
Being present is one of the most generous things you can do for someone else. It’s a real gift to look someone in the eye, ask them questions and actively listen to what they have to say.
Isn’t it the best feeling when someone listens to what you’re saying and then asks questions based on what you just said? It shows they were actually listening, not just thinking about what they wanted to say next. More of this please!
Calm the Monkeys of the Mind
People think that when you grow up, you’re no longer afraid of things. You’re not afraid of the dark or public speaking or making the wrong decisions. But that stuff never really goes away, we just keep leveling up and finding new ways to deal with it.
When we grow up, there’s one thing that tends to surpass all other fears. And that’s fear of the unknown. Change is a big deal. What if it’s not better on the other side? Why would I risk what I have now, for the potential of something greater?
One tip on that niggly, naggly voice telling you why you won’t succeed. That’s not really you! You are just the one that observes it.
Remind yourself that feeling fearful:
Is often a sign that big change is coming, especially when you're working towards your goals
Shows you’re on the right track
Still your mind and give your fear a big ol’ hug. Your fear isn’t your enemy and it’s not your boss. You’re the boss!
Start a Super Fun Hobby
This is your licence to sign up for your new favourite activity!
Enrolling in that ceramics course
Taking a surfing lesson
Going rock climbing
Learning to knit
How about finally getting into fermenting your own kraut? It’ll take a couple of weeks until it’s ready but it’s so worth it! For the best vegetables to ferment, check out this article!
There’s nothing quite like falling in love with a new hobby and becoming good at something new!
When you’re just getting started in something, your brain doesn’t quite know what’s coming next. So you end up focusing all your concentration on the task in front of you. Your mind is right there with you. Working out the best way to throw that bowl, get up on that surfboard, climb a little bit higher!
That all takes mindfulness. Get your brain working to create those new neural pathways!
Focus On the Things That Matter
This is a bit of a funny one. Because who doesn’t focus on what’s important to them? But what happens when there are too many things going on that require your attention?
Your time is basically a ZERO-SUM game...
That means that there is only a finite amount of time in your day. No matter how many things you’d like to accomplish, you can’t magic more time. You can’t be in two places at once and you still need to do all the basic things too, like getting eight hours of sleep per night.
So the only option left then is to consult your list. Honouring the number of items on your list is super important. If your list has ten items on there and someone comes to you with number eleven. Well, guess what?
One of those ten items needs to go if you want to squeeze something else in.
Endlessly cramming tasks onto the end of your list is dangerous territory and rarely ends well.
The other option is to delegate. Because then it’s like you’re almost in two places at once. Don’t want to Youtube ‘how to fix leaky tap’? Then hire a plumber. Want to declutter your house? Chat to Marie Kondo. Had enough of writing your own marketing content? Find yourself a good copywriter who knows their stuff.
We’re not all meant to be Jacks and Jills of all trades. It’s okay to ask for help.
Reduce Screen Time
People that are parents try to find ways to reduce screen time for their kids. People that aren’t parents talk about how little screen time they’d let their potential kids have. Who’s monitoring how much screen time us adults have?
The light from electronic screens is always bad, but blue light is decidedly the worst. It tricks your brain into thinking it’s always daytime and keeps your brain working, even if it’s bedtime.
What about that feeling of having to be constantly connected to something? Always being available whenever someone messages, calls, texts, snapchats. It sounds exhausting because it is.
Our brains have gone through so much conditioning to expect instant gratification. And having endless screen time is arguably one of the worst offenders. Mindlessness instead of mindfulness.
Putting your phone away while you’re eating, working on something, having a conversation with someone
Give whatever you’re doing your full and undivided attention - the other stuff can wait
Having trouble breaking the habit of being on your phone last thing at night and first thing in the morning?
Charge your phone in another room
Make a point of reading a book for fifteen minutes before going to sleep
Give yourself and your brain time to switch off and be completely present
Have a Good Boogie
If you read the first point about developing a morning routine to increase your mindfulness and knew that wasn’t for you…here is the answer.
Maybe to you, mindfulness isn’t about sitting quietly and contemplating what your intentions are for the day. Maybe it’s putting on your favourite music and moving your body and having a good boogie while you sing along.
Doesn’t matter whether you’re even singing the right words. Although it's a happy coincidence that Spotify now has lyrics saved in the app so if you do want to sing along karaoke style, you’re all set up.
You can boogie in the car on your way to work (safely), in the afternoon, whenever you’re in the mood. Update or make yourself a new playlist with some absolute bangers. Songs that you skip past are banned.
If you’re having fun then you’re doing it right. Let yourself be totally unselfconscious.
In those moments where you’re being completely yourself, it’s easiest to honour the mindfulness that you’re capable of.
And Above All Else…
Practice gratitude!
Are you ready to embrace your mindset and be fully present? Mindfulness is a vital part of running your own business, reaching your goals, and dreaming big.
And the thing that will bring you closer to mindfulness every time is gratitude.
Corny right? As corny as it sounds, there’s a lot of truth to it. When you’re filled with gratitude, it creates a ripple effect around you. The ripple starts with you and then flows outwards towards others. Every little thing you do that is rooted in gratitude and kindness goes from you right to the next person.
How do you keep gratitude at the forefront of your mind? Take some time at the end of your day to notice what little things inspired you. Look for them, make space for them, and allow them to bring you joy.
Maybe you cooked a delicious meal, or spent some time in the sun, or your pet was excited to see you when you got home. The little things count for a lot when it comes to mindfulness.
Want to check out more articles on creating the best mindset for you and your business to thrive in? You can find them all here, on The Greenspace Copywriting blog page. Happy reading!