Ditch the Paid Ads: Grow Your Business Using an Organic Growth Strategy Instead

Why an Organic Growth Strategy Is the Perfect Alternative to Paying for Ads

Paying for ads is often seen as being a part of running a business. You pay for social media or Google ads and your business gets a nice online visibility boost. Sales go up…temporarily. 

That’s the thing with paid advertising. Often, the amount of sales you get are a direct result of how much money you spend on the ad. Once you stop spending money on the ad, your sales disappear. It’s a conundrum.

Business owners, listen up, especially if you’re someone who is familiar with this uninspiring cycle of paid ads.

The solution is an organic growth strategy. 

Not only is an organic growth strategy a long-term and sustainable way to grow your business, it also saves you a ton of money.

But while most businesses have the best of intentions when it comes to organic growth, most underestimate the importance of developing a long term plan. 

Want to stand out from the competition? Prioritizing and implementing a long term organic growth strategy will give you the edge you need over other businesses. Here’s what it means to go organic!

What’s the Difference Between An Organic Growth Strategy and Paid Ads?

The difference is pretty self explanatory. Paid ads cost money. This isn’t to say that paid ads are never the answer. Paid ads can be effective if you know how to implement a killer sales funnel.

However all businesses and newer businesses in particular will feel the benefits of an organic growth strategy for a lot longer.

Let’s look at two important aspects of going organic.


An organic strategy makes the most of SEO (search engine optimization). Mostly because the high quality content that you’re putting out will be working towards getting you to that top ranking spot on Google.

The best thing about using consistent SEO in your content and posts is that there is no time limit. Unlike ads, SEO doesn’t last a week, or month or six months. It lasts forever and never stops working for your business.

As long as you update your posts and continue adding backlinks, your content will keep pushing your website higher for years to come.


Going organic is all about creating outstanding content that connects with your audience and prioritizes building a solid relationship with your customers and clients.

Ads pop up in front of us all the time, requesting that we make a purchase. But they don’t tell us much about the brand other than the fact that the business would like to increase their sales.

But a good copywriter knows that content should be so much more than this.

Good content is helpful and useful, giving us information that we need or are excited to learn about. It includes:

  • Practical solutions to everyday problems

  • Relaxing content to help take our mind off things

  • Teaching us something new

  • Compelling storytelling that tickles our emotions

Reading your content should tell a customer everything they need to know about your brand. It should help them decide whether your product or service is right for them and whether your values are in alignment. 

What Does An Organic Strategy Look Like?

Organic strategies don’t all look the same but they usually have some things in common.


Blogs are often the pillars of a good organic strategy, as long as you’re following good SEO practice. An effective blog post should be:

  • 1200 words

  • Written with your researched keyword (long tail and short tail)

  • Posted once a week

  • About a relevant topic that is helpful for your audience

Blogs are fantastic because they’re packed with so much valuable information and showcase your business as the perfect solution to whatever issues your potential customers or clients may be having.

As a result of consistent blogging, your website’s traffic should increase considerably and your ranking in Google should improve. 


Imagine being a business owner or a salesperson and standing in someone’s living room and talking about your business. That’s exactly what an email does.

Emails land directly in someone’s inbox - they’re personal and expressive! Plus, newsletters tend to have a high open rate which means people are reading what you’re saying.

They’re also perfect for keeping customers and clients updated and in the loop and usually don’t require extensive effort to produce. However having a decent email list helps, so make sure your website’s opt-in is super enticing!

Social Media

Running a social media account for your business is free, so this falls under an organic growth strategy.

With social media having a huge impact on the spending habits of consumers, having a social media account linked to your business is a big plus.

Finding a Strategy That Works For Your Business

The organic growth strategy that’s right for your business depends on a number of factors. The most important question to consider is your audience:

  • Does your audience use social media?

  • Does your business deal with complex subject matters that don’t fit into a social media post?

  • What does your marketing budget like? 

As a starter, all businesses need a blog. Their usefulness when it comes to increasing web traffic cannot be overstated. From there on out, an organic growth strategy is completely customizable.

And your budget? 

Paying for ads costs money, but so does hiring a competent copywriter. The big difference is, once your organic strategy starts working, every piece of ‘old’ content will continue working for you, even years down the track.

The benefits are truly long term.

Your Sign to Start a Blog

This is it then. This is your sign to start a blog and kick start your organic growth strategy. If you love to write and have the time, then why not give it a try yourself?

However, if you’re feeling a little thinly stretched and time poor, then consider hiring a good copywriter (hem hem). Not only will this free up a sizable chunk of your time, you’ll be investing in the long-term growth of your business.